Dwarfism in the Metaverse: Modern Warfare

When things start and stop working all at the same time. Carson opens our latest episode with a personal struggle that plagues middle-aged men around the globe. As can be expected here on ZFG, we’re asking the hard-hitting questions – Which 5th grader has Gary Gensler assigned to manage the SEC’s cyber security protocols?

A Strong Start to 2024

Happy New Year! Freddy starts 2024 off with a bang. Not only has he reverted to his ‘no shoes’ policy, but he kicks things off with yet another new business idea. For those of you who have yet to settle on a New Years’ resolution; might we suggest brushing up on your history? The History Channel, Wikipedia, there’s a wide variety of sources. But if we’re brutally honest, South Park might be one of the best places to start.

Academic Rambo at the Woke Museum

If you ever find yourself questioning your intellectual capabilities, just remember, Josh Mitts is still a Professor of Law at Columbia Law School. Whatever your feelings about his past work, there’s zero question about the complete lack of academic rigor, accountability, accuracy, intellectual honesty – whatever the hell you want to call it – in his latest research paper Trading on Terror?.