Fire Porn and Hobby Horsing

After holding down the fort for the summer, Krista welcomes Freddy and Carson back from vacation. Freddy kicks things off with his Business Idea of The Week, which unfortunately appears to be a mainstay for Season Two of Zero Fucks Given. Krista, still in a vacation mindset – just kidding, she wasn’t allowed to leave the office – has been all too eager to tell her friends about Hobby Horsing, the newest Olympic sporting event.

The Premier of Toasted Zebra

Coming to you from the masterminds behind Poober and eBay for human organs, we bring you the Toasted Zebra! Inspired by Carson’s own wife, Freddy introduces their latest business idea – the Lululemon of women’s drinking helmets. Once the excitement fades, Krista and Freddy take us down a long line of depressing news developments.