In this week’s ZFG speed run, the crew covers everything from free vodka for hobos, to RFK, Jr’s brain worms, and Bill Hwang’s trial. For those still living in California, we’ve finally discovered where all your hard-earned tax dollars have been going – you’ve been buying rounds at the bar for the homeless. Independent Presidential candidate, RFJ, Jr. reveals what’s been behind, let’s just say some of his more conspiratorial claims – worms have been gnawing away at his frontal lobe. A couple of Stifel employees have taken the whole “naughty maid” script just a tad too far. To be fair, the whole hobos-in-a-hotel idea probably worked better than the latest Furry convention. But in a bizarre twist, Krista spices things up a bit with her own recollection of a cuddly friend after moving to San Francisco. The Archegos trial has begun, and it’s provided a glimpse into the true reason behind Bill Hwang’s “aggressive” trading style – he just couldn’t get enough of SpongeBob SquarePants. And apparently, all this talk of naughty maids and furries has Freddy dimming the lights before we can wrap the show.