For anyone who missed the 93rd Academy Awards earlier this month, Krista leads off with a masterpiece that deserved to be on the short list to win Best Documentary Short Film. In a pleasant twist from revealing the shortcomings of employees at Muddy Waters, we learn that Krista is proficient with sign language. Many find such a skill worthy of celebration, but we come to find out it was Krista’s interpretation of Freddy’s learner’s permit that led him to believe he had earned his driver’s license. With the not-so-sudden downfall of Credit Saudi, Carson laments the final ZFG segment of Credit Suisse First Loss. While the crew revels in the downfall of Silicon Valley Bank (“SVB”), Freddy confesses to making a shameless plea to SVB by detailing another one of his business ideas. Not to be outdone, Carson goes on to share his learnings from the weekend – a glorious and infamous creature popularly known as the Cheetard. And as a parting gift from the esquire himself, Carson provides a few excerpts from an old book he co-authored on ‘Doing Business in China’… For Dummies.